What are the Check Bag & the Quality Score? ✅

What are the Check Bag & the Quality Score? ✅

Essential activities for a true wine lover who wants to evaluate his labels only under the best conditions 🍇



  1. Select the Wine Glass 
  2. Press the Check button


Scanning the bag or box tag, you can find out all the information on the quality of your wines!
  1. Bring your phone closer and scan
  2. Wait until it's complete: meanwhile, follow the upload!
  3. If the result is positive, you will see an authentic smart bag with a green check
  4. Continue to observe the status of the wine described by the quality score! 🤓

Since we want to ensure our users have the best possible taste experience, updating them on the quality of the wine is crucial.
We update you not only on the date on which the wine was opened and the remaining days to consume it, but also on the last expiry date and how close it actually is.
Reminding you of the status allows you to guarantee quality and avoid waste! The messages you can view based on quality cases are as follows
  1. Unopened
    1. if the smart bag is closed then it must still be open
  2. Good
    1. the user has just opened the bag so he is calm about the high quality of his wine
  3. Almost expired
    1. the bag has been open for some time and the wine is approaching its maceration date, of course we recommend that you consume it quickly
  4. Expired
    1. wine that has been opened for a long time has passed its expiry date and we advise the user to discard it

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