What is the Vacuum Mode ?

What is the Vacuum Mode ?


The Vacuum procedure allows the user to carry out the vacuum, so as to perfectly preserve the wine in the bag.


As soon as the bottle has been transformed into a bag or later, if the user is not sure of the effectiveness of the vacuum.


Reach your device settings from Explore 🚀
  1. select the card 🃏 
  2. wheel at the top right of the dispenser page ⚙
  3. start the vacuum bag process

Now follow the instructions that appear on the dispenser display!

During the procedure
The app asks if you want to stop 🚩
  1. Yes to exit the procedure 
  2. No, try again to retry
The app asks if the process has been completed 🚩
  1. positive case, Yes to return the dispenser page
  2. negative case, Try again to retry

Avoid oxidized wines! 🍷 

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