How to switch on the Parental Control ?

How to switch on the Parental Control ?


The parental control allows you to limit or block some functions of the dispenser, so your children can't use it when you're not around!
Here are the due parental control


The parental controls set on the dispenser prevent you from pouring any wine.
To activate/deactivate it, go to the device settings page
  1. if the lock is closed 🔒 now you can't pour wine from the dispenser
    1. select the padlock and click disable in the modal to disable parental control
  2. if the padlock is open 🔓 you can freely pour the wine from the dispenser
    1. select the padlock and click activate to activate the parental control

Attention: if the parental control is active but you select pour wine, you can in the modal
  1. Pour a glass and leave parental control active
  2. Pour a glass and disable parental control


The pouring stop can be exercised not only on the dispenser but also on a single vintage wine: if the user has several bottles of the same vintage, the parental control is applied to the entire wine group.
To activate/deactivate it, you can reach the dispenser page or swipe left while scrolling in the Cellar
  1. if the padlock is closed 🔒 now you can't pay the smart bag
    1. select the padlock and click disable in the modal to disable parental controls
  2. if the padlock is open 🔓 you can pour the smart bag freely
    1. select the padlock and click activate to activate the parental controls

Attention: if the parental control is active but you select pour wine, you can in the modal
  1. Pour a glass and leave the parental control active
  2. Pour a glass and deactivate the parental controls

Safer than that? Difficult 🍷

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